Free Preview of Evolved Daily Workout Programs

All three Daily Training Programs are now available in the TRUE COACH APP or via the Members Portal on website 

Please allow for 24 hours to provide access to True Coach after initial purchase

*Please note that you can start at ANYTIME.
*Regardless of when you sign up, you will begin at the “introduction week” prior to the cycle
*The preview shown is Week 3 of the current cycle


The Evolved family of daily programs now offers FOUR different programming options:

Evolved PHYSIQUE program
*Aesthetic-focused training in a functional fitness setting

Evolved GLOBO Physique program
*Aesthetic-focused training in a commercial gym environment

Original Evolved Daily program
*Hybrid functional fitness and bodybuilding

Evolved 3x Per Week FULL BODY Program
*Strength and Hypertrophy training with all free weights (+ 1 “optional” training sessions)

As you check out the FREE PREVIEWS below, it would be helpful to:
Read the BLOG POST about the new “Lengthened ROM + Partials” Hypertrophy Cycle

The “Members Portal” on the website now offers access to the prior two years of training programs! This is a total of 8+ complete training cycles!


For those of you that are currently participating in CrossFit or Group classes, there is now a FREE preview of the Evolved RX+ program under the fifth tab below. CLICK HERE to learn more about this unique program, and how it can help you add some important strength and bodybuilding style aesthetic training to your “conditioning” workouts

Choose a Workout:

This is a preview of WEEK 3 of the training cycle.

Please read the Lengthened ROM Blog, as the philosophy for this current training cycle will reflect all of the principles discussed in this post.

This cycle is designed in the idea of utilizing a predominance of movements that train the muscle at long muscle lengths and/or provide significant overload tension at the lengthened position of the movement.

For movements that do not overload the muscle in the lengthened position (the exercises that are inherently “lower stimulus” short overload movements) will be progressing in a manner that provides additional stimulus to the portion of the movement where the muscle is lengthened.

We can expect the lower fatigue “short” movements to utilize partials, dropsets, rest/pause sets, and “lengthened only sets” as a way to accentuate the lengthened portion of these exercises that are inherently lacking sufficient stimulus at that portion of the ROM.

Per the standard SOP for Evolved Programs, we will progress effort week to week. The objective is to begin the cycle around 4 reps from failure on demanding compound movements and around 1-2 reps from failure for “short overload” single joint movements that have much lower fatigue cost per unit.

As we enter “week 3,” these respective movements will begin their journey to move closer to failure (and beyond failure for the lower fatiguing “short” movements).


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Barbell RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
2 work sets x 5-8 Reps (~3 then 2 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min between work sets

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
DB RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)
Trap Bar RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

B. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (Quad Dominant)

1-2 Warm-up sets per leg, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
Flat Foot Split Squats (quad dominant)
DB Split Squat (quad dominant)
*flat ground

C. Superset Movements:
1 warm-up set
3 challenging work sets each
For Leg Extensions, target ~2-1-0 RIR across the 3 sets

Banded Sissy / Leg Extension x 8-15+ Reps
Heels Elev Air/Goblet Squat x 8-15 Reps (~1-2 RIR each)
(3 sec lower, pause bottom) 
Rest 2-3+ min between rounds

Alternative Movement you can swap to target the Rec Fem Quad Muscle 
DB Leg Extensions
Seated Banded Leg Extensions

Other Quad targeting swaps:
Spanish Squat

D. Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree)
1 warm-up set, then:
2 work sets x 8-15 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)
*All reps 1-2 sec pause at top of rep (squeeze glutes)
Rest ~2 min between work sets

Alternative Movement you can swap:
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

E. (weighted) Hanging Knee Raises
1 warm-up set, then:
One heavy set x 6-10 Reps (~1-2 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
Then 3 sets x 10-15 Reps  (lighter, 0-1 RIR each) 
Rest 1-2 min between each

Alternative Movement you can swap
-Hanging Knee Raises (unweighted)
Reverse Crunches

F. Single-Leg DB Calf Raise
1 warm-up set, then:
One heavy set x 6-10 Reps (~1 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
Then 2 sets x 10-15 Reps  (lighter, 0 RIR each) 
Rest 1-2 min between each

*2-3 second pause at the deepest stretch position of each rep


Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Flat DB Bench Press

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~1 RIR)

+ Superset the FINAL SET:
Flat DB Flies (Bottom 60% ROM) x 8-12 Reps (~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Flat DB Bench Press (stay consistent week to week):
Flat Barbell Bench Press

B. Alternate Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
3 work sets (see reps and RIR below for each)

Strict Pull-ups x 6-10 Reps (~2-1-1 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min
DB Lateral Raise x 10-15 Reps (~0 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET of lateral raises:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for Pull-ups (stay consistent week to week):
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups

C. Alternate Movements:
1 warm-up set each, then:
2 challenging work sets (~1 then 0 RIR each)

One Arm Overhead DB Tricep Extension – Standing x 8-12 Reps/arm
Rest 30-60 sec between arms
Leaning In DB Lateral X Raise x 10-15 Reps/arm
Rest 30-60 sec between arms

Alternate movements you can swap for Triceps:
One Arm Overhead Banded Tricep Extension

D. Bentover DB Rows – Elbows Wide
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete “EMOM” x 6 Minutes
10-12 reps at top of each minute
Use ~50% of 10 rep max weight

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

E. DB Spider Curls
1 warm-up set
1 tough set of 10-15 Reps (to failure)

F. DB Spider Curls
Use ~80% of Part E
All sets to failure

First set x 15-20 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Second set x ~50-60% of reps of first set
Rest 30 seconds
Third set x ~40-60% of reps of first set

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Heels Elevated Back Squat
Each rep should have a PAUSE at the deepest stretch position at the bottom of each rep.

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-12 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Back Squats (stay consistent week to week):
Foam Roller DB Hack Squats
Landmine Hack Squat
Heels Elevated Safety Bar Squat

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets (see reps and RIR below)

*Bring DB’s over to the Hip Extension with you

Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree) x 8-12 Reps (~1-2 then 0-1 RIR)
Walking DB Lunges (Glute focus) x 8-12 steps (4-6 per leg) (~2-3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min

Alternative Movement you can swap for Hip Ext (stay consistent week to week):
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

C. Sissy Squat OR Bodyweight Leg Extensions
(see videos/variations below)

These are being performed for the lengthened “Rectus Femoris” and therefore, the Banded or DB Leg extension swaps from Monday would NOT be a prudent selection. Both of these movement options will overload the quad at the bottom or “lengthened” portion of the muscle.

1-2 warm-up sets, then:
1 heavy set x 8-10 Reps (~3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
1 lighter set x 12-15 Reps (~2 RIR)

Sissy Squat Options:

Sissy Squats
Weighted Sissy Squats
Band-Assisted Sissy Squats

BW Leg Extension Options:

Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Weighted Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Band Assisted Bodyweight Leg Extensions

D. B-Stance DB RDL
3 sets:
Reps 12-9-6 per leg (Increase weight/effort each set)
Target ~6-4-2 RIR across the 3 sets
Rest equally between each leg (~1-2 min)

E. Overhead DB Sit-ups  
2 Rounds:

Heavy weight x 6-10 Reps (~1-2 RIR)
Rest 10-15s
50% weight from first set x 6-10 Reps (~0-1 RIR)
Rest 10-15s
Bodyweight to failure of technique
Rest 2-3+ min

F. One Round:

Landmine Rotational Twist x 12-16 Reps (6-8/side)
Reverse Crunches x 10-20 Reps
Rest 1-2 min



Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Chest Supported DB Row

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 work set x 6-9 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 9-12 Reps (moderate; ~1 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 12-15 Reps (lighter; ~to failure)

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for DB Row (stay consistent week to week):
Head Supported DB Row
Chest Supported Cable Row

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets each (see reps and RIR for each below)

Incline DB Lateral Raise (Behind back) x 10-15 Reps (~1-2 then 1 RIR)
DB Front Raise x 8-12 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)

The Incline DB Lateral focuses more on the lengthened range-of-motion by placing the arms behind the body. The Front Raise will therefore be much lighter, given the fatigue carried into the second exercise.

C. Superset Movements:
1 warm-up set, then:
2 work supersets
(~2 then 1 RIR for each movement across the two work sets)

DB Pullovers x 10-15 Reps
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups x 6-12 Reps
Rest 2-3 min

Alternative Movements you can swap for Pullovers:
Banded Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Alternative Movement you can swap for Rack Pullups:
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups
Machine Assisted Pull-ups

D. Banded Crossovers
Select Band Difficulty = ~15 Rep max
Complete 8 Reps each set with this resistance
Rest only 30 sec between sets
Continue until you can’t make 8 reps unbroken
(8 min cap)
*If you make it, the weight was too light 🙂

Alternate movements you can swap for Banded Crossovers
Flat DB Fly

E. Superset x 2 sets each:

Lying Tricep Extensions (EZ or Barbell) x 8-12 Reps
Tricep Push-ups x 5-12 Reps
(Tricep pushups on barbell as shown, or just narrow-grip on ground)
(elevate hands to make easier)
Rest 2 min

Alternative Movements you can swap for Push-ups:
Hands-Elevated “scaled” push-ups (elevate more to scale further)

F. Incline DB Curls
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete Reps 10-9-8
Use ~12 rep max weight (so ~1-2 RIR each set)
Rest 1-2 min between sets


Saturday – OPTIONAL Conditioning

45-60 Minutes of ZONE 2 Cardio

This can be performed with whatever modality you can do with EFFICIENCY.
For most people, this would likely be optimized with a bike, elliptical, or steep incline walking.

Zone 2 can be completed by rowing OR running (or other modality) however most people are inefficient rowers and runners, and therefore will often find it difficult to stay within the target heart rate zone for ZONE 2.

My views on finding this zone have changed a bit.

In the past, I’ve veered towards relatively crude formulas based on HEART RATE.

Now I tend to simply use RATE OF PERCEIVED EXERTION (RPE) as the BEST way to assess ZONE 2.

Take a 12-15 word sentence that you have memorized with a normal speaking cadence (not rushed).

When you believe you are in ZONE 2, speak this sentence. If you can complete it in one breath without having to stop to get air, and without feeling like that sentence caused you to go into a breathing deficit (i.e. you aren’t gasping for air at the end of the sentence), then you are likely in ZONE 2.

Another RPE based assessment of effort is the duration component.

We are performing ZONE 2 workouts for 45-60 min, but we want to select a pace / effort level in which we *COULD* continue at the SAME PACE for 2-3 hours.

This means that when complete your ZONE 2 workout, you are glad it’s over, strictly due to monotony/repetition, and not due to accumulated fatigue.

In fact, you should feel like the session never actually gets harder. The first 10 minutes should feel the most taxing, as you move from doing nothing into Zone 2.

Once you’ve established yourself into Zone 2, each 10-minute period should be exactly as difficult as the prior 10-minute period.

At no point should you think that the workout has increased in difficulty. It just a steady and consistent effort could be repeatable for multiple hours (if needed).



Well-trained aerobic athlete:
180 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~75% of Max Heart Rate)

Lifter or non-trained aerobic athlete:
170 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~65-72% of Max Heart Rate)

*Max Heart Rate can be determined generally with 220 minus age


This is a preview of WEEK 3 of the training cycle.

Please read the Lengthened ROM Blog, as the philosophy for this current training cycle will reflect all of the principles discussed in this post.

This cycle is designed in the idea of utilizing a predominance of movements that train the muscle at long muscle lengths and/or provide significant overload tension at the lengthened position of the movement.

For movements that do not overload the muscle in the lengthened position (the exercises that are inherently “lower stimulus” short overload movements) will be progressing in a manner that provides additional stimulus to the portion of the movement where the muscle is lengthened.

We can expect the lower fatigue “short” movements to utilize partials, dropsets, rest/pause sets, and “lengthened only sets” as a way to accentuate the lengthened portion of these exercises that are inherently lacking sufficient stimulus at that portion of the ROM.

Per the standard SOP for Evolved Programs, we will progress effort week to week. The objective is to begin the cycle around 4 reps from failure on demanding compound movements and around 1-2 reps from failure for “short overload” single joint movements that have much lower fatigue cost per unit.

As we enter “week 3,” these respective movements will begin their journey to move closer to failure (and beyond failure for the lower fatiguing “short” movements).


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Barbell RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
2 work sets x 5-8 Reps (~3 then 2 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min between work sets

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
DB RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)
Trap Bar RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

B. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (Quad Dominant)

1-2 Warm-up sets per leg, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
Flat Foot Split Squats (quad dominant)
DB Split Squat (quad dominant)
*flat ground

C. Superset Movements:
1 warm-up set
3 challenging work sets each
For Leg Extensions, target ~2-1-0 RIR across the 3 sets

Leg Extensions (pause contraction) x 8-12 Reps
Heels Elev Air/Goblet Squat x 8-15 Reps (~1-2 RIR each)
(3 sec lower, pause bottom) 
Rest 2-3+ min between rounds

Alternate Movements you can swap:
Banded Sissy / Leg Extension

D. Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree)
1 warm-up set, then:
2 work sets x 8-15 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)
*All reps 1-2 sec pause at top of rep (squeeze glutes)
Rest ~2 min between work sets

Alternative Movement you can swap:
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

E. (weighted) Hanging Knee Raises
1 warm-up set, then:
One heavy set x 6-10 Reps (~1-2 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
Then 3 sets x 10-15 Reps  (lighter, 0-1 RIR each) 
Rest 1-2 min between each

Alternative Movement you can swap
-Hanging Knee Raises (unweighted)
Reverse Crunches

F. Single-Leg DB Calf Raise
1 warm-up set, then:
One heavy set x 6-10 Reps (~1 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
Then 2 sets x 10-15 Reps  (lighter, 0 RIR each) 
Rest 1-2 min between each

*2-3 second pause at the deepest stretch position of each rep


Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Flat DB Bench Press

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~1 RIR)

+ Superset the FINAL SET:
Flat DB Flies (Bottom 60% ROM) x 8-12 Reps (~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Flat DB Bench Press (stay consistent week to week):
Cable Chest Press
Machine Chest Press
Flat Barbell Bench Press

B. Alternate Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
3 work sets (see reps and RIR below for each)

*Bring DB’s over to the Pulldown machine with you

Wide Grip Pulldowns x 6-10 Reps (~2-1-0 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min
DB Lateral Raise x 10-15 Reps (~0 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET of BOTH MOVEMENTS:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for Pulldowns (stay consistent week to week):
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups
Machine Assisted Pull-ups

C. Alternate Movements:
1 warm-up set each, then:
2 challenging work sets (~1 then 0 RIR each)

One Arm Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions x 8-12 Reps/arm
Rest 30-60 sec between arms
One Arm Cable Lateral Raise (behind back) x 8-12 Reps/arm
Rest 30-60 sec between arms

Alternate movements you can swap for Triceps:
One Arm Overhead DB Tricep Extension – Standing
One Arm Overhead Banded Tricep Extension

Alternate movements you can swap for Laterals:
Leaning In DB Lateral X Raise

D. Wide Cable Rows to sternum
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete “EMOM” x 6 Minutes
10-12 reps at top of each minute
Use ~50% of 10 rep max weight

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternate movements you can swap:
Bentover DB Rows – Elbows Wide

E. Cable Spider Curls
1 warm-up set
1 tough set of 10-15 Reps (to failure)

Alternate movements you can swap:
DB Spider Curls

F. Cable Spider Curls
Use ~80% of Part E
All sets to failure

First set x 15-20 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Second set x ~50-60% of reps of first set
Rest 30 seconds
Third set x ~40-60% of reps of first set

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternate movements you can swap:
DB Spider Curls


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Leg Press – quad dominant
Quad dominant = put the feet low on platform.
Also should have a PAUSE at the deepest stretch position at the bottom of each rep.

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-12 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Leg Press (stay consistent week to week):
Heels Elevated Back Squat
Hack Squats

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets (see reps and RIR below)

*Bring DB’s over to the Hip Extension with you

Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree) x 8-12 Reps (~1-2 then 0-1 RIR)
Walking DB Lunges (Glute focus) x 8-12 steps (4-6 per leg) (~2-3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min

Alternative Movement you can swap for Hip Ext (stay consistent week to week):
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

C. Sissy Squat OR Bodyweight Leg Extensions
(see videos/variations below)

These are being performed for the lengthened “Rectus Femoris” and therefore, the standard leg extension machine would NOT be a prudent selection. Both of these movement options will overload the quad at the bottom or “lengthened” portion of the muscle.

1-2 warm-up sets, then:
1 heavy set x 8-10 Reps (~3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
1 lighter set x 12-15 Reps (~2 RIR)

Sissy Squat Options:

Sissy Squats
Weighted Sissy Squats
Band-Assisted Sissy Squats

BW Leg Extension Options:

Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Weighted Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Band Assisted Bodyweight Leg Extensions

D. B-Stance DB RDL
3 sets:
Reps 12-9-6 per leg (Increase weight/effort each set)
Target ~6-4-2 RIR across the 3 sets
Rest equally between each leg (~1-2 min)

E. Overhead DB Sit-ups  
2 Rounds:

Heavy weight x 6-10 Reps (~1-2 RIR)
Rest 10-15s
50% weight from first set x 6-10 Reps (~0-1 RIR)
Rest 10-15s
Bodyweight to failure of technique
Rest 2-3+ min

F. One Round:

Landmine Rotational Twist x 12-16 Reps (6-8/side)
Reverse Crunches x 10-20 Reps
Rest 1-2 min


Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Chest Supported Machine Row

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 work set x 6-9 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 9-12 Reps (moderate; ~1 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 12-15 Reps (lighter; ~to failure)

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for Chest Machine Row (stay consistent week to week):
Chest Supported DB Row
Chest Supported T-Bar Row
Head Supported DB Row
Chest Supported Cable Row

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets each (see reps and RIR for each below)

Cable Machine Option (preferable if available):
*Note that you could also do these “single” arm by emulating the movement patterns. It may be easier to consistently get one cable versus trying to fight for the dual cable machine in a crowded gym….

Dual Cable Lateral Raise x 8-12 Reps (~1-2 then 1 RIR)
Dual Cable Front Raise x 6-10 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min

Free Weight Option:
The Incline DB Lateral focuses more on the lengthened range-of-motion by placing the arms behind the body. The Front Raise will therefore be much lighter, given the fatigue carried into the second exercise.

Incline DB Lateral Raise (Behind back) x 10-15 Reps (~1-2 then 1 RIR)
DB Front Raise x 8-12 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min

C. Superset Movements:
1 warm-up set, then:
2 work supersets
(~1 then 0 RIR for each movement across the two work sets)

Straight Arm Pulldowns x 10-15 Reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 6-10 Reps
Rest 2-3 min

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET Wide grip pulldowns:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movements you can swap for Straight-Arm Pulldowns:
DB Pullovers
Banded Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Alternative Movement you can swap for Pulldowns:
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups
Machine Assisted Pull-ups

D. Pec Fly Machine
Select Weight = ~15 Rep max
Complete 8 Reps each set with this weight
Rest only 30 sec between sets
Continue until you can’t make 8 reps unbroken
(8 min cap)
*If you make it, the weight was too light 🙂

Alternate movements you can swap for Pec Fly Machine
Cable Crossovers
Banded Crossovers
Flat DB Fly

E. Superset x 2 sets each:

Lying Tricep Extensions (EZ or Barbell) x 8-12 Reps
Tricep Push-ups x 5-12 Reps
(Tricep pushups on barbell as shown, or just narrow-grip on ground)
(elevate hands to make easier)
Rest 2 min

Alternative Movements you can swap for Push-ups:
Hands-Elevated “scaled” push-ups (elevate more to scale further)

F. Face Away Cable Curls
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete Reps 10-9-8
Use ~12 rep max weight (so ~1-2 RIR each set)
Rest 1-2 min between sets

Alternative Movement you can swap for Face Away Curls
Incline DB Curls


Saturday – OPTIONAL Conditioning

45-60 Minutes of ZONE 2 Cardio

This can be performed with whatever modality you can do with EFFICIENCY.
For most people, this would likely be optimized with a bike, elliptical, or steep incline walking.

Zone 2 can be completed by rowing OR running (or other modality) however most people are inefficient rowers and runners, and therefore will often find it difficult to stay within the target heart rate zone for ZONE 2.

My views on finding this zone have changed a bit.

In the past, I’ve veered towards relatively crude formulas based on HEART RATE.

Now I tend to simply use RATE OF PERCEIVED EXERTION (RPE) as the BEST way to assess ZONE 2.

Take a 12-15 word sentence that you have memorized with a normal speaking cadence (not rushed).

When you believe you are in ZONE 2, speak this sentence. If you can complete it in one breath without having to stop to get air, and without feeling like that sentence caused you to go into a breathing deficit (i.e. you aren’t gasping for air at the end of the sentence), then you are likely in ZONE 2.

Another RPE based assessment of effort is the duration component.

We are performing ZONE 2 workouts for 45-60 min, but we want to select a pace / effort level in which we *COULD* continue at the SAME PACE for 2-3 hours.

This means that when complete your ZONE 2 workout, you are glad it’s over, strictly due to monotony/repetition, and not due to accumulated fatigue.

In fact, you should feel like the session never actually gets harder. The first 10 minutes should feel the most taxing, as you move from doing nothing into Zone 2.

Once you’ve established yourself into Zone 2, each 10-minute period should be exactly as difficult as the prior 10-minute period.

At no point should you think that the workout has increased in difficulty. It just a steady and consistent effort could be repeatable for multiple hours (if needed).



Well-trained aerobic athlete:
180 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~75% of Max Heart Rate)

Lifter or non-trained aerobic athlete:
170 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~65-72% of Max Heart Rate)

*Max Heart Rate can be determined generally with 220 minus age


This is a preview of WEEK 3 of the training cycle.

Please read the Lengthened ROM Blog, as the philosophy for this current training cycle will reflect all of the principles discussed in this post.

This cycle is designed in the idea of utilizing a predominance of movements that train the muscle at long muscle lengths and/or provide significant overload tension at the lengthened position of the movement.

For movements that do not overload the muscle in the lengthened position (the exercises that are inherently “lower stimulus” short overload movements) will be progressing in a manner that provides additional stimulus to the portion of the movement where the muscle is lengthened.

We can expect the lower fatigue “short” movements to utilize partials, dropsets, rest/pause sets, and “lengthened only sets” as a way to accentuate the lengthened portion of these exercises that are inherently lacking sufficient stimulus at that portion of the ROM.

Per the standard SOP for Evolved Programs, we will progress effort week to week. The objective is to begin the cycle around 4 reps from failure on demanding compound movements and around 1-2 reps from failure for “short overload” single joint movements that have much lower fatigue cost per unit.

As we enter “week 3,” these respective movements will begin their journey to move closer to failure (and beyond failure for the lower fatiguing “short” movements).


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Barbell RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
2 work sets x 5-8 Reps (~3 then 2 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min between work sets

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
DB RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)
Trap Bar RDL (1 and 1/2 Reps)

B. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (Quad Dominant)

1-2 Warm-up sets per leg, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min between legs

Alternative Movement you can swap (stay consistent week to week):
Flat Foot Split Squats (quad dominant)
DB Split Squat (quad dominant)
*flat ground

C. 5 Rounds:
For each movement, increase weight/effort each set, such that the first round is a warm-up and the final round is ~RPE 9

Squat Clean x 3 Reps
Horizontal/GHD x 8-12 Reps
Rest ~2 min

Alternative Movement you can swap for Hip Ext:
Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree)
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

E. Kipping Toes to Bar
1 warm-up set, then:
5 Roudns:
Complete “Max Reps” in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

*Expect the “reps achieved” to decrease each round

Alternative Movement you can swap for Kipping TTB:
Strict Toes to Bar
Lying Leg Raise (with Hip Thrust at top)

F. Single-Leg DB Calf Raise
1 warm-up set, then:
One heavy set x 6-10 Reps (~1 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
Then 2 sets x 10-15 Reps  (lighter, 0 RIR each) 
Rest 1-2 min between each

*2-3 second pause at the deepest stretch position of each rep


Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Flat DB Bench Press

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-15 Reps (lighter; ~1 RIR)

+ Superset the FINAL SET:
Flat DB Flies (Bottom 60% ROM) x 8-12 Reps (~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Flat DB Bench Press (stay consistent week to week):
Flat Barbell Bench Press

B. Alternate Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
3 work sets (see reps and RIR below for each)

Strict Pull-ups x 6-10 Reps (~2-1-1 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min
DB Lateral Raise x 10-15 Reps (~0 RIR)
Rest 1-2 min

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET of lateral raises:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for Pull-ups (stay consistent week to week):
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups

C. Reps 15-12-9-6
Use ~20 rep max load for each movement. Keep moving!

Hang Power Snatch
Incline DB Tricep Extensions

D. Bentover DB Rows – Elbows Wide
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete “EMOM” x 6 Minutes
10-12 reps at top of each minute
Use ~50% of 10 rep max weight

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

E. DB Spider Curls
1 warm-up set
1 tough set of 10-15 Reps (to failure)

F. DB Spider Curls
Use ~80% of Part E
All sets to failure

First set x 15-20 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Second set x ~50-60% of reps of first set
Rest 30 seconds
Third set x ~40-60% of reps of first set

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)


Lower Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Heels Elevated Back Squat
Each rep should have a PAUSE at the deepest stretch position at the bottom of each rep.

2-3 Warm-up sets, then;
1 set x 6-10 Reps (heavier; ~3 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 set x 10-12 Reps (lighter; ~2 RIR)

Alternate movements you can swap for Back Squats (stay consistent week to week):
Foam Roller DB Hack Squats
Landmine Hack Squat
Heels Elevated Safety Bar Squat

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets (see reps and RIR below)

*Bring DB’s over to the Hip Extension with you

Weighted Hip Extensions (45-degree) x 8-12 Reps (~1-2 then 0-1 RIR)
Walking DB Lunges (Glute focus) x 8-12 steps (4-6 per leg) (~2-3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min

Alternative Movement you can swap for Hip Ext (stay consistent week to week):
Home Hack (with barbell and box)
Home Hack (Hips over barbell)

C. Sissy Squat OR Bodyweight Leg Extensions
(see videos/variations below)

These are being performed for the lengthened “Rectus Femoris” and therefore, the Banded or DB Leg extension swaps from Monday would NOT be a prudent selection. Both of these movement options will overload the quad at the bottom or “lengthened” portion of the muscle.

1-2 warm-up sets, then:
1 heavy set x 8-10 Reps (~3 RIR)
Rest 2-3 min
1 lighter set x 12-15 Reps (~2 RIR)

Sissy Squat Options:

Sissy Squats
Weighted Sissy Squats
Band-Assisted Sissy Squats

BW Leg Extension Options:

Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Weighted Bodyweight Leg Extensions
Band Assisted Bodyweight Leg Extensions

D. B-Stance DB RDL
3 sets:
Reps 12-9-6 per leg (Increase weight/effort each set)
Target ~6-4-2 RIR across the 3 sets
Rest equally between each leg (~1-2 min)

E. Climb as high as possible in 6 Minutes:

Overhead DB Sit-ups  x Reps 3-6-9-12-15 etc….
Double-unders OR Single-unders x Reps 10-20-30-40-50 etc…

F. One Round:

Landmine Rotational Twist x 12-16 Reps (6-8/side)
Reverse Crunches x 10-20 Reps
Rest 1-2 min


Upper Body
Part A and B Repeat week to week

A. Chest Supported DB Row

2-3 Warm-up sets, then:
1 work set x 6-9 Reps (heavier; ~2 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 9-12 Reps (moderate; ~1 RIR)
Rest 2 min
1 work set x 12-15 Reps (lighter; ~to failure)

+ Immediately after Failure on the FINAL SET:
complete 3-4 “attempted partial reps”
(i.e. you try hard as possible to make the rep, but fatigue prohibits you from getting full range of motion)

Alternative Movement you can swap for DB Row (stay consistent week to week):
Head Supported DB Row
Chest Supported Cable Row

B. Superset Movements:
1-2 warm-up sets each, then:
2 work supersets each (see reps and RIR for each below)

Incline DB Lateral Raise (Behind back) x 10-15 Reps (~1-2 then 1 RIR)
DB Front Raise x 8-12 Reps (~1 then 0 RIR)

The Incline DB Lateral focuses more on the lengthened range-of-motion by placing the arms behind the body. The Front Raise will therefore be much lighter, given the fatigue carried into the second exercise.

C. Superset Movements:
1 warm-up set, then:
2 work supersets
(~2 then 1 RIR for each movement across the two work sets)

DB Pullovers x 10-15 Reps
Unweighted Rack Pull-ups x 6-12 Reps
Rest 2-3 min

Alternative Movements you can swap for Pullovers:
Banded Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Alternative Movement you can swap for Rack Pullups:
(weighted) Pull-ups
Weighted Rack Pull-ups
Leg in front Rack Pull-ups (no elevation)
Foot-Assisted Pull-ups
Machine Assisted Pull-ups

D. Banded Crossovers
Select Band Difficulty = ~15 Rep max
Complete 8 Reps each set with this resistance
Rest only 30 sec between sets
Continue until you can’t make 8 reps unbroken
(8 min cap)
*If you make it, the weight was too light 🙂

Alternate movements you can swap for Banded Crossovers
Flat DB Fly

E. Superset x 2 sets each:

Lying Tricep Extensions (EZ or Barbell) x 8-12 Reps
Tricep Push-ups x 5-12 Reps
(Tricep pushups on barbell as shown, or just narrow-grip on ground)
(elevate hands to make easier)
Rest 2 min

Alternative Movements you can swap for Push-ups:
Hands-Elevated “scaled” push-ups (elevate more to scale further)

F. Incline DB Curls
1 warm-up set, then:
Complete Reps 10-9-8
Use ~12 rep max weight (so ~1-2 RIR each set)
Rest 1-2 min between sets


Saturday – OPTIONAL Conditioning

45-60 Minutes of ZONE 2 Cardio

This can be performed with whatever modality you can do with EFFICIENCY.
For most people, this would likely be optimized with a bike, elliptical, or steep incline walking.

Zone 2 can be completed by rowing OR running (or other modality) however most people are inefficient rowers and runners, and therefore will often find it difficult to stay within the target heart rate zone for ZONE 2.

My views on finding this zone have changed a bit.

In the past, I’ve veered towards relatively crude formulas based on HEART RATE.

Now I tend to simply use RATE OF PERCEIVED EXERTION (RPE) as the BEST way to assess ZONE 2.

Take a 12-15 word sentence that you have memorized with a normal speaking cadence (not rushed).

When you believe you are in ZONE 2, speak this sentence. If you can complete it in one breath without having to stop to get air, and without feeling like that sentence caused you to go into a breathing deficit (i.e. you aren’t gasping for air at the end of the sentence), then you are likely in ZONE 2.

Another RPE based assessment of effort is the duration component.

We are performing ZONE 2 workouts for 45-60 min, but we want to select a pace / effort level in which we *COULD* continue at the SAME PACE for 2-3 hours.

This means that when complete your ZONE 2 workout, you are glad it’s over, strictly due to monotony/repetition, and not due to accumulated fatigue.

In fact, you should feel like the session never actually gets harder. The first 10 minutes should feel the most taxing, as you move from doing nothing into Zone 2.

Once you’ve established yourself into Zone 2, each 10-minute period should be exactly as difficult as the prior 10-minute period.

At no point should you think that the workout has increased in difficulty. It just a steady and consistent effort could be repeatable for multiple hours (if needed).



Well-trained aerobic athlete:
180 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~75% of Max Heart Rate)

Lifter or non-trained aerobic athlete:
170 minus age = approx. Zone 2 (~65-72% of Max Heart Rate)

*Max Heart Rate can be determined generally with 220 minus age


This program is delivered in True Coach App. Each movement will be linked to a video in the app.
Once you sign up, you will receive an E-Mail invite within 24 hours to join the program


Day 1 – Full Body
Part A and B repeat week to week. Track metrics

A. Back Squat
(choose Low Bar or High Bar and stay consistent week to week)
1 x 5-8 (challenging)
2 x 8-12 (15-20% less)


B. Alternate Movements x 3 sets each:
Rest approx 2 min between sets

Low Incline DB Bench (@21X0)
1 x 6-10 (challenging)
2 x 8-12 (10-15% less)

Strict Pendlay Row
1 x 6-10 (challenging)
2 x 8-12 (10-15% less)


C. 3 Rounds:
Rest as needed to ensure quality/unbroken sets
First round lighter, then 2 heavier rounds

Incline DB Tricep Ext x 8-12 reps
Incline DB Curl x 8-12 reps
Incline Rear Delt Flies x 15-20 reps


D. 3 Rounds:

100m Farmers Walk (set down once)
10-15 Goblet Squats
10-15 DB Upright Rows
Rest till you can make at least 50m unbroken FW


Day 2 – Choose Your Own Adventure

1. Rest
2. 10k Steps OR Be active outside
3. Monostructural Cardio + Core (below)

A. Row 20 min steady pace
(same “pace” shows on the screen throughout the entire 20-min)


B. 4 Rounds:

Run hard 200m
15-20 Reps Decline or GHD SIt-ups
Walk recovery 400m


Day 3 – Full Body
Part A and B repeat week to week. Track metrics

A. Hip Hinge
(choose movement and stay consistent week to week)
1 x 5-8 (challenging)
2 x 8-15 (20-30% less)

Trap Bar (SLDL or DL)

B. Alternate Movements x 3 sets each:
Rest approx 2 min between sets

(Weighted) Dips
1 x 6-10 (challenging)
2 x 10-15 (lighter, m/m connection)
(scaled movements available in app)

Standing Curl (EZ or BB)
1 x 8-12 (challenging)
2 x 10-15 (10-15% less)


C. DB Fly/Press Hybrid
2 x 10-15


D. 3 Rounds:

Front Squats x 10-15 Reps
Rest 1 min
Barbell Face Pulls x 15-20 Reps
Rest 1 min
Hang Squat Clean x Max Reps in 30 seconds (same weight as front squat)
Rest 1 min
Alternating One-Arm DB Rows x 16-20 Reps (8-10 per arm)
Rest 1 min


Day 4 – REST DAY


Day 5 – Full Body
Part A and B repeat week to week. Track metrics

A. Back-Rack Reverse Lunges (same leg)
1 x 6-10 per leg (challenging)
2 x 10-15 per leg (15-20% less)


B. Alternate Movements x 3 sets each:
Rest approx 2 min between sets

Weighted Pull-ups (@21X0)
(choose grip preference: neutral, pronated, supinated or rings; stay consistent week to week)
1 x 6-10 (challenging)
2 x 10-15 (lighter, m/m connection)
(scaled movements available in app)

Seated DB OHP (@21X0)
1 x 8-12 (challenging)
2 x 10-15 (10-15% less)


C. Tricep Push-ups on barbell
3 sets where each set is about 2-3 reps shy of failure (target range is 10-25 reps per set. Elevate height of barbell to make easier, or add weight with dip belt to make it harder)
Rest 1-2 min between sets and expect some large rep decline set to set


D. 2 Rounds:
Rest as needed to ensure quality/unbroken sets

Weighted Hip Extensions x 10-15
DB Hang Power clean x 10-15
Russian KBS x 10-15
DB Hammer Curls x 10-15
Rest 2-3 min between rounds


Day 6 – Choose Your Own Adventure

1. Rest
2. 10k Steps OR Be active outside
3. Additional Training Day (below)

Part A and B repeat week to week (track metrics)

***Note that the OPTIMAL way to approach this is to do this session on “Day 7” and then rest on Day 8, starting the “new week” on Day 9 (i.e. Take 8 days to complete a micro-cycle as opposed to the normal 7-day calendar week)

A. Explosive Movement:
(choose and stay consistent week to week)
Week 1 = 3 sets of 5 Reps
*Expect rep decrease and coordinated weight increase as we progress week to week

1. Squat Clean / Hang Squat clean
2. Power Clean / Hang Power clean
3. High pull / Hang High Pull


B. Flat Barbell Bench
1 x 6-10 (challenging)
2 x 8-12 (10-15% less)


C. One-Arm DB Rows (stop on ground)
Reps 15-12-9 (increasing, per arm)
Rest as needed b/w arms
Weak arm first


D. One Round:

20 Devils Press (light)
Rest 2 min
15 Devils Press (mod)
Rest 2 min
10 Devils Press (heavy)
Rest 2 min
60 Cal Row

Make sure you see the write-up that explains how to most effectively implement these workouts into your class structure.
The details are posted in the “description” portion of the product page HERE
And you can always use the Facebook Group page to ask additional questions that arise


Strength Session 1 (lower body, quads/glutes; some hamstrings)

Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squats (see video demo)
Reps 12-9-6-6 (increasing weight, PER LEG)
First 12 reps with BW only, then increase weight quickly to reach a heavy 2×6.
Choose between Front-Rack or Holding DB’s by your sides. For the ADVANCED athletes who have experience with the movement, the Back-Rack position is preferred to increase loading potential


Strength Session 2 (upper body, chest/triceps)

Close-Grip Floor Press (see video demo)
Build to heaviest set of 5 reps
Then drop weight 10-15% and complete 3 x 6-8 reps


Strength Session 3 (upper body, back/lats)

Chest-Supported Barbell Row (see video demo)
Reps 12-8-8-8-12
Both sets of same lighter weight, with the 3×8 at same heavier weight
Example: 135-185-185-185-135 


Hypertrophy Session 1 (Two Parts) (upper body, shoulders/traps)

Part #1
Superset x 3 sets each:  

12-15 Hang Snatch-Grip High Pulls (see video demo)
12-15 Seated DB Lateral Raises (see video demo)
Rest 2 min between each superset

Part #2
Strict Overhead Press @ 20X0 tempo (no pause at top or bottom)
3 sets of Reps 15-12-10 (same weight for all sets)
Rest only as long as needed to ensure you can achieve each set unbroken with tempo 20X0


Hypertrophy Session 2 (upper body, back/lats and biceps)

Strict Pull-ups (use rings if feasible) (see video demo)
Choose a # of reps as a TARGET to try and accumulate in 5-6 sets (Rest 2 min b/w sets)

A good goal would be between 8-10 Reps PER SET for ADVANCED (40-60 total reps)
A good goal would be between 3-5 Reps PER SET for INTERMEDIATE (20-30 total reps)

The best approach would be to stop sets a couple reps shy of failure so you can keep similar rep numbers for each set. Feel free to take the final set to total fatigue!

If you need to scale the movement, target 8-10 Reps PER SET, and use one of the below scaling options:

Rack Pull-ups
Rack Pull-ups (foot assisted)
Band-Assisted Pull-ups


Hypertrophy Session 3 (Two Parts) (upper body, chest; some triceps)

Part #1
Practice movement of “Ring Flies”  
Once you find the variation where you can achieve 5-8 quality reps, complete 3 sets
*Note that you can RAISE THE RINGS to make easier (versus going to knees)

Ring Flies on toes (ADV) VIDEO
Ring Flies on knees VIDEO

Part #2
Incline DB Bench (performed as 1 and 1/2 reps) (see video demo)
Accumulate 50 Reps
Start with a weight you can achieve approx 15 Reps on the FIRST SET
Then chip away at the remaining reps with sets of 5-8 Reps until you achieve 50 TOTAL REPS


Hypertrophy Session 4 (upper body, biceps/triceps)

Alternate Dropset and Superset of each “pairing” x 3 Rounds:  

10-12 Strict Barbell Curls (see video demo)
+ Drop set (see description below)
Rest 1-2 min then move to Tricep Extensions

10-12 Lying EZ or BB Tricep Extensions  (see video demo)
+ Superset Banded Pushdowns x 20-25 Reps (see video demo)
Rest 1-2 min then return to Curls

How to Perform Drop Sets
After taking the Barbell Curls to a tough set of 10-12 reps, strip the weight down 25-30% and continue accumulating reps till fatigue. Rest only as long as it takes to strip the weight


Hypertrophy Session 5 (lower body, quads/glutes/hamstrings)

Alternate PAIRED MOVEMENTS x 2 Rounds Each:  
First round is MODERATE WEIGHT using the TOP of the designated REP RANGE
Second round is HEAVIER (increase weight) and use the BOTTOM of the designated REP RANGE
You should be able to use the SAME BARBELL for all exercises (with only slight weight modifications)

Back Squat x 8-15 Reps @ 20X0 (no pause at top of rep)
Rest 1 min
Front-Rack Reverse Lunges (alternating) (see video demo) x 8-14 Reps (4-7 per leg) 
Rest 2-3 min then move to RDL sequence

Barbell RDL (see video demo) x 8-15 Reps
Rest 1 min
Barbell Hip Thrust (see video demo) x 8-15 Reps  
Rest 2-3 min then return to Back Squats 

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